Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Woke up this morning with sand in my eyes
Yeah, I woke up with morning, sand in my eyes
Laying on the road on my back
Yeah, I was laying on the road on my back

I hear that rain water dripping
It's dripping down on my head
I feel that rain water whipping
It's being whipped by the wind

I feel that cold rain just falling
Raindrops, falling on my head
I hear the wild wind a-blowing
Blowing on down the road

But I see sunshine, on this cloudy day
Yes, I see sunshine on a cloudy day
And I hear a train whistle blowing
Train whistle blowing, headed my way

*Fielding this is so much harder than the Villanelle or even the Sestina I was writing. Those came naturally, but this is so out of my range. This is torture, I swear it is!*

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